Carry on with it.
You know I supply the stuff here.
And nobody complains, eh?
Fresh goods and correct weight...
What about the keys?
What d'you think of Ramon?
I know nothing of Ramon.
I don't give a damn for him...
but I know
the big chief doesn't like him.
Anyhow, I think that could be arranged.
Question of personalities.
I don't know, Max.
I don't think you know Ramon...
No. Anyhow your business is specialized.
You need a fellow
who looks well and is at his ease...
I've a fine place...
It cost me a lot of dough.
I don't want it closed
on account of Ramon.
Ramon's a slacker.
Keep him as a chauffeur...
all he's good for.
I think I have the man you need.
Anyhow, I'll vouch for him.
If he's interested, I'll send him here.
Max is a good pal.
Want one?