Slow down, Little Bit.
Man's just tryin' to keep you alive.
- Easy, friend, easy. That's Ben Trane.
- That supposed to mean somethin'?
He stole Joe Erin's horse and lived to tell.
Thank you, seƱor.
Thought your soft spot
was only for horses.
Boys, there's a war goin' on down here.
Be a shame if fine men like us
weren't on the same side.
Anybody wanna ride along with me?
We're doin' just fine on our own.
We're here to dicker with General
Ramirez, big chief of the rebels.
- How much does he pay?
- l figure that's 'tween me and him.
Kind of exclusive, ain't you, Charlie?
permit me to welcome you to Mexico.
- You the mayor?
- l'm the Marquis de Labordere.
Aide to His lmperial Majesty Maximilian,
Emperor of Mexico.
You are Monsieur Joe Erin?
- You know me?
- lndeed. The American police account
of your exploits was so inspiring
l was compelled to seek you out.
Hear that, Ben?
l offer you a commission
in the service of His Majesty.
You and your men could be
of profitable service to the emperor.
- How profitable?
- Yeah. That's what l wanna know.
His Majesty is extremely generous.
How many men have you?
- 1 7.
- Add pretty fast, don't you, Joe?
Anything wrong with the count?