Each one of you is a target for 20 of us.
At this range,
even our ancient weapons are effective.
- lf it's that easy, what's stoppin' you?
- We're not savages, seƱor.
We do not kill in cold blood.
But we cannot permit you
to serve with Maximilian.
lf you do not surrender
before Pedro finishes his song...
Better make it a long one, Pedro,
cos you ain't ever gonna play another!
Hold it!
Get those children outta here.
Yeah, sure... Always did like kids.
How about you, General?
Donnegan! Pittsburgh!
Get those kids inside.
Come on, kids.
Hurry up! Pronto!
All right, Joe!
The two inside will not stop us.
Nor will 200.
No, but they can stop a lot of kids
from growin' up, amigo.
- Donnegan!
- Just say the word, Joe!
You want those kids to live,
get your men up that hill.
We'll leave then, not before.
Wars are not won by killing children.