- Hello. Wort you sit down?
- Thank you.
Wort you sit there,
and you sit right here.
That's cosier isn't it?
Boy, girl, boy, girl...
I'm Betty.
This is my sister, Judy.
And you're Phil Davis
and you're Mr Wallace.
Guilty on both counts!
Isn't this nice? Mr Wallace
was saying it was remarkable
that Benny Hayne's sisters
have eyes...
I mean, blue eyes...
That is...
That's quite an act you have. Benny never
told us there's so much talent in the family.
To be perfectly honest...
Benny didn't want to take advantage
of an old army friendship.
You know how shy he is,
so modest and retiring.
It's a family characteristic.
I have a recent snapshot.
He always was a good-looking kid.
Speaking of families...
I read an article the other day about citrus
fruit and it's effect on... childrers teeth!
Are you interested in families or children,
Miss Haynes?
Yes, I suppose so.
Isn't that amazing?
Imagine a girl in show business today,
wanting to settle down and raise a family.
- So refreshing, isn't it?
- Pushing, pushing!
- Would you like a cigarette?
- No, thank you.
I would like a little free advice.
Mr Wallace, do you have
any suggestions for the act?
No. Just keep plugging away.
There must be something.
Should we both be blondes?
Maybe Betty's hair
should go a shade darker?
Or should she change the style?
A little more off the face?
- No. I wouldn't change a thing!
- Would you care to dance?
Don't you think we should discuss...
- Lets say it with music.
- All right.
Promise you won't say
anything important till I get back.