- They look well together, don't they?
- Yes.
I was so surprised to get
Benny's letter today. I didn't know...
Mr Wallace, before you go any further,
I must tell you.
You were brought here tonight
under false pretences.
Benny didn't write the letter,
my sister did.
She figured you'd never come to see us
if we asked, and you might if Benny did.
How do you like that!
- Even little Judy's got an angle going.
- She didn't mean anything.
Don't apologise.
Everybody's got an angle.
- That's pretty cynical.
- Oh, come now Miss Haynes.
Surely you knew everybody's got
a little larceny operating in them?
My sister and I don't play angles.
If that letter wasrt an angle,
what was it?
I don't like your inference.
I've got no squawks, no beefs. She played
a percentage, it worked, we're here.
Let's not make
a whole big mish-mosh out of it.
- They're getting along just fine.
- So quickly too.
Isn't that nice?
All I'm saying is, when you've been
in show business for as long as I have,
you get used to people
working angles, that's all.
As the chance of us meeting again
is extremely remote,
I don't think it's important to go on arguing.
- Well, I'll drink to that!
- Be my guest!
If this keeps up, we'll practically be in-laws
before the dance is over...
- Well, I don't mind if you don't.
- Too bad, we're leaving town tonight.
That's a shame, but we're leaving
tomorrow anyway.
- Where are you going?
- Vermont.
- We're booked for the holidays.
- Vermont?
Vermont should be beautiful,
this time of year, with all that snow.
- You know something?
- What?
Vermont should be beautiful
this time of year.
- All that snow.
- That's what I just said.
We seem to be getting a little mixed up.
Maybe it's the music.
Maybe it isn't only the music.