Must be wonderful in Vermont
this time of year. All that underwear!
I hope I can take the electric blanket back.
- Where's that?
- Under the underwear.
You'll get a nice tan.
- Arert you glad you came now?
- Very Vermonty.
You'll be able to do all the schussing
and the blatzing...
Welcome to Columbia Inn.
What sort of accommodation would you
like? There's a fairly wide choice.
Any room in the inn including mine.
We're not here as guests.
We're the Haynes Sisters.
My friend and I are guests.
We came for the snow.
- Where are you keeping it?
- We take it in during the day.
Terribly sorry, but we won't be able to use
you. We'll pay half salary for cancelling.
Are things really that bad?
We're using the ski tow
to hang the wash on.
You aren't going to stay either are you?
Well, if the girls are leaving...
I'll just get the luggage.
General Waverly!
- Sir.
- At ease.
- How are you, Captain?
- I'm fine, General, but...
- We just keep the General part quiet.
- Why? Begging your pardon, sir.
Well, to put it in one sentence...
people don't expect a major general
to carry firewood.
Bob, I was just thinking...
- Private Davis, sir.
- At ease, Davis.