You know what? I think we can give you
some pointers on that "Sister" number.
- I don't like the wardrobe.
- But it's so perty.
Isn't this awful? It's like taking money
under false pretences.
Emma, couldn't you talk him
into letting us work for half salary?
Not Harry. Advance, never retreat.
He's advancing right into bankruptcy.
How deep's he in?
He's invested his pension,
his life savings, everything!
It used to be a mill and a barn.
Now it's a Tyrolean haunted house.
Eat hearty!
There must be something
we could do.
- There is. We're going to New York.
- New York?
- But you just got here!
- We got some connections there.
- We could dig him up a spot somewhere.
- Yeah but the problem is here, now.
We've got to stay and dream up
a way of getting people in this place.
- What do you suggest?
- I don't know.
Something unusual,
some kind of a novelty.
Tell me, Brainstorm, what do you think
of the novelty up here in Vermont?
- Maybe we can dig up a Democrat?
- They'd stone him!
If you ask me, what this place
needs is a dynamite act.
Now you're talking.
If we could get something really big...
- Like Wallace and Davis!
- You couldn't get them, they're too big.
Wait a minute.
How about that, Bob?
Do our old nightclub act...
fit the girls in here and there.
What do you say?
It's a great idea.
It's half a great idea anyhow.
- Get me the New York operator.
- OK, Mr Wallace. This way.
I don't know what he's up to, but he's got
that Rodgers and Hammerstein look.
- Is that bad?
- Not bad, but always expensive.
I know it sounds crazy, Al,
but you're working for crazy people.