Young at Heart

I thought only trombone players drank.
Barney doesn't drink,
he's a little unpredictable.

That's an ideal collaboration - unpredictable
scorer, unpredictable arranger.

- Well, I'll see you at the foundation.
- Yeah.

I got it.
Come in, come in.
- Glad to see you.
- Uh-huh.

Did you have a tough time finding the place?
Figures. Rug on the floor, piano,
the smell of cooking from the kitchen.
Homes like these
are the backbone of the nation.

- Where's the spinning wheel?
- Shut up. Did you miss the train?

- I ignored the train.
- Why? I sent you the fare.

Five bucks, I bet it on a horse.
A horse I could've bought for seven.
Had a lovely name that I can't remember.
You're late, Barney.
If I don't get out of here, I'll be late.

I got a class at the foundation, three to four.
Oh, incidentally, I got you that job
we talked about.

- Attractive surroundings, I'm sure.
- It's a joint but it's convenient.

Downtown. You'll play piano and you'll sing.
Salary's small.

- Tips on the plate?
- Tips on the plate.

Every little bit helps.
It's no better, no worse
than the job you had in New York.

Different class of people maybe.
