Young at Heart

If you finished it, people might get to like it.
You could even have a hit.
They wouldn't let me.
They. Or whoever it is
that gives out the breaks.

What's your name for it?
Lady Luck? The Fates? Destiny?

They've been having their innings
for as long as I can remember.

You know what a glove man is?
I'm a glove man.
You shag flies in a hot sun all your life
but you never go to bat.

Like, right off they said, "No parents?
Make him an offer, he'll be all right."

"Education? Grammar school's enough.
"Send him out to work."
So I cooperate.
And then they come up
with a nice big depression, a fat one.

But I fooled them, I went out and got a job.
Six years later.

14 dollars a week,
I collected exactly two pay cheques

and then they come up with a war.
"Greetings, my boy.
You too can be a private."

Don't laugh, it was serious.
This was my big chance.
I was ready to be a hero, a dead one even.

You know, lots of crowds, bands playing,
me in a flag-draped coffin.

Ha! Did I get it?
All they figured for me
was a little grape juice in the leg.

Not quite enough to be a hero.
Lots of guys got shot
so it'd just hurt a little bit.

Eight or nine years later,
your leg gets a little stiff when it rains.

That's my good leg, my pedal foot,
that I play the piano with.

There's more. You wanna hear more?
