Who asked you to listen?
If it makes you feel better
to be insulting, you just go right ahead.
I believe a man decides his own destinies.
If he has enough courage and ambition...
No, thank you.
Maybe it isn't my business, I don't know.
But if you go to work and finish that song,
or any song for that matter...
They wouldn't like it. I tell you,
they're up there working overtime on me.
What some people will do
for time and a half...
I can see this is very painful for you.
Shall we talk about something else?
Why? Talking about my lousy luck
is the only fun I ever have.
- Here's tea!
- Oh, Aunt Jessie,
can you do something for him?
Sure. Get a net and send for the wagon.
Were you smiling just then?
I don't know. Was I?
- Do me a favour, will you?
- What?
Throw back your head and laugh.
- Why?
- No reason.
Just laugh.
Ha. Heh-heh.
- I knew it.
- Knew what?
You don't know how to laugh.
I see what I'm up against -
the gay young thing type.
Unimportant species.
It's not the quality of your laughter,
it's your attitude.
I asked him to laugh
and he wants to know why he should.
As if somebody has to have
a reason to laugh.
- You don't think so?
- No.
- Do you?
- No.
There's a place for people like you
who go around laughing for no reason at all.
- Do you want lemon or cream in your tea?
- Neither.
Don't be so contrary, you've got to have
one or the other. You'll have lemon.