How long you staying?
Where? In my new room? I'm staying.
I mean, in the hotel.
Twenty-four hours, why?
Just asking.
Why? Are you gonna have a convention?
I was just asking.
- Where can I get a car?
- I don't know.
Let's put it this way.
Supposing I had a car
and I wanted some gas.
- Where would I go?
- But you don't have a car.
You might try that garage
down at the end of the street.
Thank you.
Here we go again.
This is all I know about him, Mr. Smith.
Sit down, Coley.
- I was only...
- Sit down.
Real cool guy.
Doesn't push easy, huh?
Well, that's it. That's just it.
He pushes too easy.
- Maybe we ought...
- What do you want, Doc?
Nothing. I was just wondering
what all you people are worrying about.
Not that I have the slightest idea.
You wonder too much
and you talk too much.
It's a bad parlay, Doc.
I hold no truck with silence.
I've got nothing to hide.