You don't happen to remember
which one they sent him to, do you?
Who knows?
Why don't you try writing him?
Glad to help you out.
I'm afraid you'd be wasting your time.
I've already written...
but they don't forward my letters.
They keep sending them back.
They do?
- Need any help?
- I can manage.
Well, I need a little help.
I'd like to rent your jeep.
That'll be $2 an hour. Gas extra.
- $10 for my time.
- Why not ask him where he wants to go?
He wants to go to Adobe Flat.
Is the road marked well?
Yeah, it's about six or seven miles down.
Fine, then I won't need your time.
- I thought you might need a little help.
- Oh, no.
I'll get along fine, thank you.
Liz, do you have a license to hire cars?
You might get into trouble.
I won't say a word to the sheriff.
You shouldn't have done that.
Thought it would be better if he went and
got done with it. What can he find out?
I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, Reno.
You know that.
This is liable to be the hardest $10
you ever earned in your life.