Bad Day at Black Rock

He checked. There's no John J. Macreedy.
No listing, no record,
no information, nothing.

Where does that leave us?
I'll tell you where it leaves us.
I'm sick and...

Now, Coley.
- I think Macreedy's a nothing. A nobody.
- Is he?

- So there's nothing to worry about.
- Isn't there?

You got brains, you have.
What can he find out? That Komako...
Suppose he finds out.
A nobody like Macreedy
can raise a pretty big stink.

The point is,
who'd miss a nobody like Macreedy...

if he just, say, disappeared?
Who, Coley?
- Why don't we wait?
- Wait for what?

I mean, maybe he won't find anything.
Maybe he'll just go away.

Not Macreedy. I know those maimed guys.
Their minds get twisted.
They put on hair shirts
and act like martyrs.

All of them are do-gooders,
freaks, troublemakers.

Let's wait and see. There's no danger yet.
"No danger," he says.
This guy is like a carrier of smallpox.
Since he's arrived, this town has a fever.
An infection.

And it's spreading.
Hastings in a sick sweat,
running around, shooting off his face.

Doc getting snotty with me
for the first time in four years.

- And Liz, your sister, acts like a fool.
- She's only a kid.

Kid? She must have strained
every muscle in her head...
