Tim, you're pathetic.
Maybe so, but I'm still sheriff.
That's the point.
You're not sheriff anymore.
You're so pathetic, you just lost a job.
Okay, Sheriff...
take over.
- You can't do that!
- I can't?
I put him in the job,
and now I'm taking him out.
Now, do you wanna register
a complaint, boy?
To register a complaint,
you've got to have evidence, boy.
You got evidence?
You got a big mouth, boy.
Making accusations
and disturbing the peace.
We got a law in this county protecting
innocent folks from bigmouths like you.
- I'd hate to...
- Hector.
Never mind, Tim. We're not licked yet.
Ain't we? I am.
There comes a time, Tim...
when a man has just got to do something.
Not me. I'm useless and I know it.
No man is useless
so long as he's got a friend.
I'm your friend, Tim.
Then why don't you let me alone?
Because he's going to need you
before the night's over.
And all the useful men
are on the other side.
Let me alone, I tell you!
I can't let you alone!