Left oblique! Huh!
File out, file out.
Right oblique! Huh!
To the rear. Huh!
And you're sure that yours
is the best outfit in boot camp.
Dear Kathy:
Ten weeks have passed,
and tomorrow we finish boot camp.
We hope we can stick together
and go to radio school from here.
Man, this living in tents
behind closed gates is tough on me.
I can't even remember
what a woman looks like.
It's tougher on me.
I can remember.
I'm gonna kill that Beller, I'm gonna
rip him apart with my bare hands.
Tell us your side of the story.
They got a picture tonight about Marines.
And I hate pictures about Marines.
I thought it was
a cowboys-and-lndians picture.
I know that picture, cousin.
This here Marine private
gets a set of dress blues...
Yeah, The Real Marine.
Isn't that the one where the broad
flips her lid for the private?
That's it. He's a Marine
because his daddy was a Marine.
He hates the Corps,
but learns to love it just like we do.
Ends up saving the life
of his drill instructor.
What a dumb jerk.
Know what that stupid Beller says to me?
He says, "Private Jones,
the Marine Corps says...
...you all got to be entertained.
It's good for your morale.
All right, you dumb Yankees,
ain't you ever gonna learn?
Jones, throw out that chest!
Jones, ain't you got no chest?
All right, you dumb Yankees!
Can't you understand
American when it's spoke?
Mr. Christian,
10 lashes for them Yankees!
Lick the deck! Lick the..."
Don't bother me right now, boy.
"I'll make you boys
feel sorry for the day..."
Gentlemen, don your buckets.