Now, we all have buddies on wait
in the Philippines and Shanghai.
It's gonna be a long road back.
And we can't get back without them.
You know I'm going to train them...
...so that every private in this battalion
can take command if he has to.
The only way I can do that
is with your help.
Thank you. That will be all.
The man said he wanted communicators,
and I said he'd have them.
Every minute they weren 't in the field,
I had them at the practice table.
Inside three weeks, they could read code
in their sleep. And probably did.
Come on, snap out of it.
What, you got the blues?
This place gives me
the creeps on Sunday.
Forget about it, Danny.
Monkey with a broad, you wind up
on the short end of the stick.
- None of them are worth it.
- Save the advice, chaplain.
Thought I'd give the benefit
of my experience.
I want to be there when you fall
for some nice girl.
A broad ain't been made yet
that'll make old Andy fall.
- Let's go ashore and get out of this hole.
- Good idea.
We're going on liberty.
How about coming along?
I gotta finish ironing these shirts.
Ski, they've got a town out here
full of beautiful tomatoes.
You ain't been on liberty
since we've been in the Corps.
I got a chance to pick up
extra bucks pressing.
I've gotta save my dough
to get Susan out here.
If it's a dame you want out here,
I'll lend you the dough.
Thanks anyway,
but I don't want no charity.
It's your life.
Eat your heart out, feather merchant,
eat your heart out.
I'll murder Mac and Huxley.
They got no respect for communicators.
That lousy Mac had me shoveling
garbage again today.
Me! I'm writing my congressman.