Excuse me, please.
Thank you, thank you.
- Let's go, kid. Get up.
- Hold on.
- Come on, you gotta get out of here.
- Leave me alone!
This is my life.
I'll do what I want with it! Come on.
- She rolled him.
- Where's his dough?
Where's his dough?
I got it.
- She's gone.
- It's all right. It's all right.
Dear John letter. She's gonna
have a baby. She got married.
See what happens when
you fall for one broad?
Let's get him out of here.
Come on, come on!
She's gone.
We lost contact with Fox Company.
Soon as the boys finish chow,
I'll have them run a line up.
All right.
- You got your Indians working?
- Yes, sir. Right over here.
Lighttower and his all-Navajo network.
That Huxley's really a smart boy.
He's gonna foul up the Japs
so they can't intercept our messages.
Seems that he read someplace that
they used Sioux talkers in World War I.
You can stop. We know you're reading
High Pockets the Riot Act.
Mr. Jones, I hate to interrupt
your meal hour...