I'm gonna tell you, buddy.
I'm gonna tell you,
I don't like Huxley.
He's a nice guy, I know, I know,
but I don't like him, see?
You know, I don't like this lousy town.
I don't like the people in it, see?
I like people.
I like people who likes me, see?
All the people here cares about
is your money. Lousy, rotten money.
Did I ever tell you about Kathy?
She's my girl. She's a character,
but she's cute.
Feeling better?
Where am I?
You'd better take this.
- How did I get here?
- You're at the USO.
Some Marines dropped you off.
Never again.
Thanks a lot for...
...for taking me in.
You'd better get back to camp.
Sleep it off.
I guess I'd better.
Thanks again, Ms...?
Mrs. Yarborough.