Battle Cry

I'd better go back.
You're not sorry.
Neither am I.

I don't know what got into me.
I've got to go back.

I'll see you Friday.
- All right, try it.
- Nothing coming in.

I tell you, it's completely gone, Mac.
- Fix it.
- Fix it?!

Sir, the TD Y's on the blink again.
- Keep some runners handy.
- They're standing by.

Them radios aren't worth
the tubes they're made of.

Do you feel you're incapable of operating
with the present equipment?

None of my equipment would've
helped Custer at Little Bighorn.

Sergeant, we're also carrying
small arms from World War I.

Now, I'm not going through
our present equipment roster.

But you keep one thing in mind:
Until we're issued new gear,
we'll get 100% efficiency...

...out of every last piece
we have now.

And we'll train these men
in such a manner...

:35:12 to overcome
faults in the equipment.

- Is that clear?
- Very clear.

Are you the communicator
on this lash-up?

Yes, sir.
Well, then start communicating.
That's it.
It's a beautiful story, Marion.
Do you really like it?
Very much.
I like meeting you here every liberty.
I like talking to you.
Me too.
Let me tell you something
about my writing these stories.

Just being with you,
it's untied a lot of knots.

