I should be very angry
if they called you the old man.
As a matter of fact,
your men adore you.
Well, I don't think I'd go quite that far,
Mrs. Rogers, but thank you.
- My name is Pat.
- Thank you, Pat.
No, don't go in just yet. Please.
I don't get an opportunity like this
very often...
...to talk to such an attractive
young lady.
Must be wretched having to keep
yourself isolated from your men.
I see you have a knack
for reading people's minds.
You must be a very wise girl, Pat.
It's not hard to see a lonely person...
...even though he is surrounded
by 900 Marines.
I imagine you know what
it's like to be homesick.
I didn't realize it showed.
- Would you like to see...?
- Your children?
No, we have no children.
This is my wife.
She's lovely.
I know how you must miss her.
Jean has a lot in common
with you New Zealand girls.
This war has done that.
You're all soldiers' wives here.
It's funny, she could always
read my mind too.
In a great many ways,
you remind me of my wife.
Well, I'm sorry, did...?
Did I say something wrong?
I'm not fit to remind you
of your wife, colonel.
I'm so ashamed.
I can't use the war as
an excuse anymore, I know that.
But this chance with Andy,
I thought it would mean happiness.
It was a straw, and I grabbed for it.
I see.
Well, I didn't...
You're not the only person in this world
who ever grabbed for a straw.
We all do it sometime in our lives.
But in our mind, in our conscience...