- There's nothing we can do about it.
- That's what you think.
May I come in? Please.
I should've phoned you,
but I didn't have time.
Pat, we've got a problem.
It's been reported to me
Andy plans to desert.
I didn't stop him from jumping ship.
I could have.
I can have him taken back in irons now,
but I don't want that.
I want that boy to come back
to his ship on his own two feet.
It's been extremely difficult,
but I've had to discipline myself...
...never to interfere
in the personal affairs of my men.
This is one time I'm forced to.
I have no choice.
I like you too much.
As Andy's commanding officer,
I certainly can't sanction this behavior.
As a man, I do understand it.
Pat, you've done a lot for this boy.
You've given him his place in life.
You can't let him betray himself now.
Betray him to what, Colonel Huxley,
his grave?
I haven't forgotten about another boy...
...a boy who was buried at El Alamein.
Do you think you and Andy
could ever live in peace?
This would destroy both of you,
even if you got away with it.
I knew this was going to happen.
Why did I let it?
Colonel, where is our war?
Tell me, why do I have to give him up?
- Tell me.
- He's a man. He has a job to do.
You're no different than millions
of other women in this war.
You know what you have to do.
Andy, hold me.