...sealed in our ships while the rest
of the division fought the battle.
When the smoke cleared and what was
left of the division limped off...
...they again told Huxley that he must
find the elusive Japanese garrison...
...who, this time, were hidden
in 45 miles of island atolls.
We cornered them after
a four-day chase...
...and in a brief skirmish,
we closed the chapter on Tarawa.
Our casualties were light,
but we left behind...
...the kid who might have
written the great American war novel...
...Corporal Marion Hotchkiss,
Sister Mary.
Then, January 1944, we made
a 2500-mile voyage to rejoin the division.
Huxley's Harlots, the orphans
of the Marine Corps.
Always a bridesmaid,
but never a bride.
On one of the remote islands of Hawaii
we were dumped on a desolate camp...
...and for all practical purposes,
disappeared from the face of the earth.
- Good morning, sir.
- Jim.
Sir, we just received word
from Headquarters.
The 1 st and 3rd Battalions move out
with the rest of the division.
We're to stand by, break camp,
and follow in five days...
...which means we're in reserve again.
We take this battalion in reserve again
over my dead body.
- Jim, get my jeep for me, please.
- Yes, sir.
You didn't waste any time
in getting over here.
You requested permission.
What's on your mind?
General, the rest of the division
is getting ready to move out.
My outfit is ordered to stand by
in Hawaii.
- We won't leave them there.
- No, sir.
But if you have us scheduled
as reserves again in this campaign...
Just a minute, Huxley.
You don't like your assignment?
No, sir, I don't.