You can be proud of your victory.
That's all. Get out of here.
Sometimes I think myself
it's a hell of a way to make a living.
And so on June 14, 1944,
our task force of the 5th Fleet...
...the mightiest armada ever assembled...
...edged close
to the enemy bastion of Saipan.
The dawn would bring D-day.
Through the long night, more than
100,000 men made their peace with God.
No longer orphans,
Huxley's Harlots were at last...
...being given the chance
to prove themselves.
The chance they'd worked for
since boot camp.
We were to spearhead the invasion
that could tip the balance of the war.
Then the most intricate
of all military operations...
...an amphibious invasion,
was begun.
Every man on every ship
was at his station.
Every man knew his job.
The assault teams formed up smoothly
and moved to rendezvous.
As H-hour approached,
the tension grew.
The men who had planned and lived...
...with Operation Granite
on paper for months...
...had no choice but to wait.
The final seconds ticked off.