Battle Cry

- Get Major Wellman.
- Yes, sir.

Put on Texas-5.
This is Texas-5.
Wilco. Out.
- Approaching the beach.
- All right, stand by to hit the beach!

Secure your gear.
When we hit it, take cover!
Red Beach.
We pushed inland immediately.

The battalion was in trouble.
Our casualties were heavy.
The Japs were on a mountain,
looking down.

They threw everything in the book.
And things that weren 't in the book.

The enemy was staging a counterattack
from our left.

Our right flank was threatened.
A shuttle service from ship to shore...

...poured men, guns, tanks
and supplies in behind us...

:46:14 secure our toehold before dark.
- Get off this beach! Let's go!
- Get off the beach!

All right, let's go!
