Tell Regiment the enemy
artillery fire is increasing.
Ohio, Ohio, this is Texas, over.
Enemy artillery fire is increasing,
- Tell 8-G, field is quick, charge thick.
- 2750, 6700.
Ohio, this is Texas.
Texas command post open 13-20.
Map coordinates 39-54.8.
- Hi, Mac.
- Hello, chief.
- How's it going, colonel?
- Not very good.
We've lost contact with the battalion
on our right flank.
I told George Company to see
if they can get through to them.
Get on this generator!
- Give me George Company.
- George Company. Yes, sir.
Get the company commander.
- This is George-6.
- How are things up there?
- Can you hold?
- I don't think so.
We're receiving heavy mortar fire
on our right.
All right.
Jim, let's get some mortar fire
at TA-4606-yolk.
George Company will observe.
Heavy mortars, target area 4807-item.
- Japs still trying to tap our lines?
- Yes, but it won't do them no good.
They don't savvy Navajo. Get in touch
with them. See what the situation is.