Blackboard Jungle

- Frank Adams.
- Hey, lucky old me.

Shut up.
Edward Alpina, Donald Beck, Samuel
Barstow, Harry Cohen, Leroy Croth.

All right, this way.
Up those stairs down there.
There'll be no talking on the way up.

Teach, what'd Mr. Halloran
say your name was?

- I said there'd be no talking.
- Dig this cat. He's playing hard.

- He's a big man.
- Get back in line.

All right, hold it. You, you.
What's the matter?
What's the matter, boy?

- Hey, you. You!
- Me?

- Yes. What's your name?
- Why? What...?

- What's your name?
- Why are you picking on me?

- I'm not. I'm asking your name.
- You never heard of Artie West, teach?

I want you to monitor this class.
Write down the names...

...of anybody who talks.
- Talks about?

- They open their mouth, write their name.
- No pencil.

- I've got a pencil.
- No paper.

Just take it. Will you take it?
Look out for a minute.

- What'd you make the kid cry for?
- Wasn't my fault.

Heads. Chiggee.
Hold it. Just hold it.
What is this? The officers' club
or something?

I don't wanna catch you smoking in here
again, you understand? Now get out.

Come on, you heard what I said. Get out.
What's the matter? You guys
privileged or something?

- We only just got here, chief.
- You did, huh? Well, now just get out.

- Can't a man wash his hands, chief?
- Wash them and get out.

- Sure, chief. You gonna watch me?
- Maybe he'd like to wash them for us.

What's your name?
You, I'm talking to you.

- Me?
- Yes, you.
