Blackboard Jungle

- Let's go, bright boy.
- Hey, he means me.

All right, sit anywhere.
We'll arrange permanent seating later.

You wanna close the door
for me there? Thank you.

Hey, how about that Miss Hammond?
All right, let's break it up back there.
- Hear what I said? I said, break it up.
- Why?

- What'd you say?
- I said, why?

Sit down.
First thing we're gonna do
is pass these cards out.

Take one and pass the rest back.
Number of this class is 55,
number of the classroom is 206.

My name is spelled...
...D- A-D...
...l- E-R.
Now, that's pronounced "Da-dee..."
Whoever threw that, you'll never pitch
for the Yanks, boy.

Hey, Artie. How do you like Mr. Daddy-oh?
