Blackboard Jungle

Yes, homework. You can start copying
all 35 sentences in your notebooks now.

- It ain't even the first week.
- I gotta work after school.

This will count as a test. It might decide
whether you pass or fail this course.

This was your idea, wasn't it?
- What idea is that?
- This silent treatment.

Picking the wrong answers deliberately.
Look, I know you're the leader. Fine.
But you're leading them
in the wrong direction. Why?

Maybe you ought to mind
your own business, chief.

Not many guys like what happened to Joe
Murray. He going to jail. You know that?

I see. That's why you set
the class against me, huh?

They don't need no excuse.
Or me to help them.

Well, what about that talk
we had, Miller?

Suppose we just forget about
that little snow job, Mr. Dadier.

- Hi. I wanted to thank you.
- That's all right.

Would you mind walking
out to the car with me?

- With those kids out there and all, l...
- No.

- Lf it's too much trouble for you...
- No, not at all.

I hope I haven't hindered you
with your classes.

How'd you make out today?
Oh, the boys were very quiet.
I guess I know what they were thinking.

- Hello, Josh.
- Hi.
