Blackboard Jungle

- No.
- It is easier, perhaps, than some other job?

Perhaps you're dedicated.
No, hardly. No, I wanna teach.
Most of us wanna do something creative.
I can't be a painter, writer or engineer.

But I thought that if I could help to shape
young minds, sort of sculpt lives...

...and by teaching, I'd be creative.
- For every school like yours...

...there are hundreds like this one. We could
use you, but your school needs you.

You still want to teach here
in this school?

I think I'll take another crack at my jungle.
Report says you couldn't identify
any of the boys.

It was dark. I told you it was dark.
I couldn't see anything.

What are you protecting? The good name
of this school? Your job?

- Someone gotta die before you'll cooperate?
- It wasn't that serious.

- Weren't in class for a week. That's serious.
- What do you expect me to do?

Press charges. I'll find
the ones who did it.

- I'll go over every kid in this school.
- You'll do more harm.

Mr. Dadier, I've handled lots
of problem kids in my time.

Kids from both sides of the tracks.
They were 5 or 6 years old in
the last war. Father in the Army.

Mother in a defense plant.
No home life. No church life.

No place to go. They formed street gangs.
It's way over my head, Mr. Dadier.
Maybe the kids today are like the rest
of the world. Mixed-up, suspicious, scared.
