Blackboard Jungle

I wanna get one thing
very clear in this classroom.

There's not gonna be any name-calling here.
Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

- Understand?
- I was just kidding.

Yeah, I know you're just kidding.
That's how things start. Like a street fight.
Somebody pushes somebody in fun.

Somebody pushes back, and soon you
got a street fight with no kidding.

That's the same way with name-calling.
All right, West, look. You're of
Irish decent. So is Murphy over there.

You call him a Mick. He calls you a Mick.
Suppose Miller called you a Mick.

Is that all right?
No. Then you call him a nigger.
- I was just kidding.
- Well, stop kidding!

- Sure.
- Come on, come on, tell me.

Tell me all about your stinking sister.
You gonna play
Morales' record back, chief?

- Mr. Warneke wanted to see me?
- Sit down.

- That'll be all, Murdock.
- But, Mr. Warneke...

There are no buts. None that
forgive slapping a student.

- Lf you can't control yourself...
- Yes, sir. I understand.

He's rough today.
Sit down, Dadier.
Problems. Nothing but problems,
eh, Dadier?

Well, not the same as you have, sir.
If it isn't one thing, it's another.
Brutality, stupidity, bigotry.

Would you believe that some teachers
are guilty of racial prejudice...

:48:51 their classes, in this school?
- I wouldn't know, sir.
- Comes out under pressure, I suppose.

Yeah, I suppose so.
