We have other plans for the patrol boat.
What plans have you for the gunboats
in the harbor south of here?
By voyaging only at night or in the fog,
we expect to avoid the enemy.
And I'm supposed to navigate at night,
or in a fog, without charts?
- Quite so.
- Quite so.
She's a flat-bottomed river boat...
and probably draws
about two feet of water.
The Formosa Straits is no river.
First time you hit whitecaps,
she'll break apart.
It is a solid ship,
built in your own illustrious country.
Had the eminent brother
not seen these objections...
we would think him a fool.
Quite so.
You better give me time to think.
As you wish.
Honorable Captain, I must warn you,
one of our families is unreliable.
- Commie?
- Regrettably.
Today, the Fengs are in Changchow
for a people's celebration.
Until their return,
you have the freedom of our village walls.
Freedom. Hear that, Baby?
- You think it's utterly mad, don't you?
- Strictly for the birds.
Look, you're caught up
in this village fever...
but the world outside
isn't running your kind of a temperature.
A trip down Blood Alley in a ferryboat
is no Sunday excursion.
Then maybe we'll go on a Monday,
hey, Baby?