Rocks, tides, screwball currents,
300 miles of them, and fog.
Not even a chart to go by.
They don't know what they're asking for.
One of God's footsteps.
I wonder what that stretch of coast
really looks like...
rock by rock, mile by mile. Remember?
But if you made it...
if you made it,
it'd be a sweet bit of grand larceny.
A whole village scratched off the Red map
and put down in Hong Kong.
Wouldn't be bad, hey, Baby?
Bring me a piece of paper that big!
As big as a window, you understand?
And something to write with.
My getcha, you bet.
Let's see, there's Half Tide Reef...
off Swatow, isn't it?
Pagoda Point. Think.
You got to remember every landmark.
There's Three Chimney Bluff.
Plenty big piece, you bet.
Plenty big, you bet. Scram!
Oh, Baby.
Hong Kong.
300 miles.
Breakers Point. There's a lighthouse there,
remember, Baby?
Don't let's forget Brothers Islets.
And what about Chilang Point Light?