I train, learn marine engineer in States.
Who blew up our ferryboat?
Amoy paper, see? Today we on front page.
- What happened?
- Iron boiler no good. I blow.
- You what?
- Damage not bad.
Old wine sack in pilothouse
want more steam.
I give.
We never make Hong Kong
with old iron boiler.
I plenty good engineer. Know my stuff.
- Now repair yard give us new steel boiler.
- How long will it take?
Maybe five days.
You worried about comrade in kitchen?
I'll put today's paper in his pocket,
dump him far away on South River.
They figure he been in Amoy,
forget about us.
Good deal. That will take about five days.
We'll need a black gang.
All set.
Wine sack old skipper never know
what go on under his feet.
I train my cousins many months ago.
Great black gang.
- Oil.
- Oil no worry.
- She burn wood.
- Wood?
Yeah. Low-pressure steam. 50 pound.
Tell me more
about this ocean-going stove of yours.
- She plenty fine ship. Got strong bottom.
- Flat as a pancake.
Give it to me straight, chief.
- Has she got 300 miles left in her?
- Aye, Captain.
- She number-one ship.
- Yeah. She can do 8 knots.