Now all I need is a ship.
How much longer?
Thank you.
How long has it been, Baby?
And I haven't even made a pass at her.
Jail sure must have aged me.
Who am I trying to kid?
Look, Baby, you stay here...
but if you hear a bell go ding-dong,
you better come chop-chop.
- Yes?
- Mr. Tao here.
Ten thousand regrets
that I must call at this hour.
My unworthy nephew
has just brought word...
the ferryboat will be ready for us
tomorrow night.
Couldn't have picked a better time.
- Beg your pardon?
- Nothing.
Nephew Tack brings also the Amoy paper.
The headlines concern our Dr. Grainger.
It is news we feared.
The commissar in Haifeng
died under Dr. Grainger's knife...
which, I regret, often swims in rice wine.
The People's Court stoned him
and put him to death as a murderer.
It is Miss Grainger who concerns us most.
You must realize, illustrious Captain...
that her secret worry has been
that we would depart Chiku Shan...