You can't make me go.
Get mad, good and mad.
It will take the curse
off of what I have to say.
Your father isn't coming back.
They killed him.
I don't believe you.
I've known it for a couple of days,
but I didn't have the guts to tell you.
- They wouldn't kill him. They need him.
- That big commissar died.
So they used your old man
for some high-grade hate propaganda.
Dragged him into a People's Court.
Everybody that could pick up a stone
got in the act.
I'm sorry.
Had he been drinking?
There's no point in standing here, is there?
None at all.
There's not much I care to pack.
- Can I help you?
- No, thank you.
Kind of rugged, hey, Baby?
I hope they know what they're up against.
They're Chinese.
Stand by.