One chip.
Ante up.
Is this Bob one of your informers?
Him? If he heard you say that...
No, he's an old pal.
Ever heard of the Triumph case?
True, it was before your time.
The night the Stick took a shot at me.
Bob knocked his hand aside.
Why'd he do it?
Maybe because I was unarmed.
Or to save the Stick from getting
the max as a cop-killer.
I never really knew.
But that day Bob and I became pals.
- Isn't he a hood?
- Sure, but age has wised him up.
Didn't he rob the Rimbaud Bank
20 years ago?
Yep. But he did time for it.
That quieted him down.
Quit now, Roger.
I'm on a roll.
- So I see, Bob.
- Why call me Bob?
You do everything like Bob.
Kids always want
to be like someone.
Beat it, honey. You got a date.
- Date?
- Run along!
See you around.
Always the gentleman!
Never after sunrise.
You dropped another bundle.
Couldn't you have turned in
after the crap game?
- How much?
- Two hundred clams.
That calls for a drink.
Not for me. I'm turning in.
I'm beat.
A pastis, Yvonne.
He stands pat.