1 0:00 p.m.! I got a date.
See you again?
- Why not?
Seeyou later.
- Your pal's nice.
- A nice little guy.
The check!
How much?
- Eighty.
What do we do now?
Time you went beddy-bye.
At your place?
- Got any money?
- Plenty. Three hundred francs.
Get a hotel room. 'Night, kid.
- Goodnight, Bob.
- 'Night, Yvonne.
You, wait outside!
So there you are!
Have a seat.
Now talk.
- I've nothing to say.
Then I'll bust you for procuring.
Know what a repeat offender's good for?
You're a dead duck.
But I'm working. I sell threads.
- To a certain Lydia?
- She's a girlfriend, Lieutenant!
You got a funny way with girlfriends.
I was in a bad mood.
Well, your moods are over.
Look at my tax form.
You can see I'm a working man.
You can't nail me as a pimp.
"Anyone who admits to living
with a prostitute is a procurer."
That's the new law, buddy!
Unless l...
- Unless..?
- I fix things.
- Please, Lieutenant!
- Not so fast!
Lucky man.
Lydia won't file a complaint.