Red wins.
I hide, you seek.
This one.
For once, I could've won.
I did this before you did.
Look at this place!
What a dump!
It's enough to give you the blues.
Let's split!
We can't all have a duplex.
I'm no artist.
And how!
You out ofsorts?
Me? Are you finished laughing?
I didn't say anything! You nuts?
Notyet, but if this keeps up...
I get it, it's the kid.
She dumped you?
Is she the kind to dump anybody?
Let's go! I'll buy us a bottle.
- I'll pay for the second!
- Flip you for both.
Say, my luck's coming back!
- My car ready?
- Right there, Mr. Bob.
- Gas, oil, the works?
- All ready, Mr. Bob.
Pigalle, please?
Get in.
What's with the suitcase?
Selling shoelaces?
No. I'm moving.
The hotel owner has a dumb rule:
She wants to be paid.