A third-class hotel,
greasy-spoon food.
- I boughtyou a runabout.
- I wanted a big car.
Sit down.
You know Suzanne, mywife?
We need to talk.
Excuse me, ma'am, but...
I get the message.
It's been ages.
I last saw you before the war.
How're you doing?
- Fine.
What's up?
- We need you.
Can you get us a floor plan
ofthe casino?
- What?
- That's right!
Plus the number
and make of the safe.
What for?
- We're doing an installation.
- For a new burglar alarm.
Come offit.
What'll you do with the plan?
- Frame it.
- Don't ask. Is it yes or no?
I can't do it.
I'd lose my job.