It's been ages, old man.
Glad to seeyou.
You don't know Bob?
I thought the face looked familiar...
but it's been so long.
To what do I owe the pleasure?
My friend has an idea.
But it'll require backing.
All my money's tied up in my club.
We have to grease a palm.
That's 500.
For the rest we'll need a lot more.
To recap: You have to hire,
train and provide for some boys.
You plan to slip that croupier
500 for the information.
You'll need two cars.
How much are we talking about?
We were thinking...
eight million all in.
And how much do I get back?
I dunno... 1 0.
You must bejoking!
I want 50% ofthe take.
But we're the ones
taking all the risks.
I'm no philanthropist.
Take it or leave it.
So, you in?
Sure, but why pack a rod
ifwe don't use it?