Oh, I must insist
that you stay with the group.
Oh, yes, of course. But what is that
in that room up there?
That, madam,
is Jervis Pendleton III.
Who, as you
can see, has, uh...
broken with the family
tradition somewhat.
Griggs speaking.
Baldwin Brothers, 99.
Dexter Chemicals, 35.
Just a moment.
- Good. Buy both.
- Both.
Mr. Pendleton
accepts both offers.
Griggs speaking.
Native Boy, three-eighths of a mile,
34 and two-fifths seconds.
Just a moment.
Your horse.
Your horse!
Mr. Pendleton wants
two dollars across the board.
Griggs speaking!
Oh, yes, that matter will be attended to
immediately. I'll call you right back.
What shall I tell
the man about-
Hey! Hey.
Aw, no!
Griggs. Griggs, you can't
do that to me. You can't d-
The State Department has b-
- State Department has been trying to reach you.
- I don't care who's been trying.
I was right in
the middle of a... thing.
It's about the economic
mission to France.