C-A-T spells cat
R-A-T spells rat
Although the cat
can catch the rat
The rat can't
catch the cat
H-E-R spells her
F-U-R spells fur
Just pat her fur
and listen to her
P-U-R-R, purr
Do you see the cow
She is eating hay
She is eating hay
to give her milk
I have spoken
to the gardener.
M- l-L-K
Yes. Every once in a while one meets
a person who has it in her...
to take life and make
something wonderful of it.
Seems a shame.
Oh, I don't mean...
that this isn't a wonderful
place, a good life-
Oh, monsieur, don't apologize.
I do my job very well...
and I know Julie
will even do it better.
- Julie what?
- Julie Andre.
- But, uh, for a young woman to spend her
life here- Oh! - Oh, but she's so attractive.
- Surely there must be some young man who-
- Oh, yes.
There is the widow farmer
who needs a wife.
He sells us our eggs every week and lately has
been giving us an extra dozen free of charge.
I am very, very nervous. You know, we need
the eggs for the children, and yet-Aah!
- Handkerchiefs too, huh?
- Oh-ho-ho, you have noticed our ginghams.
A little while back we were notified we were
going to receive 2,000 yards of cloth.
Oh, monsieur,
we were so excited!
And then it came.