Daddy Long Legs

- Oh, thatJulie Andre.
- Yes, thatJulie Andre!

She's been kicked out!
Griggs, how could you let this happen...

- after all we do for that college?
- She has not been kicked out.

She stands 12th
in her class.

She's a lovely, sensitive, marvelous girl,
one that any parent should be proud of.

And yet, no one pays
the slightest bit of attention to her.

- Thank you, Miss Pritchard.
- Thank you, Mr. Griggs.

For a moment I was afraid
there was a baby in it.

- What kind of a performance was that?
- For more than two years...

that poor girl has been pouring her heart out
to you in those letters.

And you haven't
answered one of them.

You haven't even
bothered to read one!

Now, wait a minute.
That was the arrangement.

l-lt had to be done anonymously,
remember? Alec insisted upon that.

At least you could've asked about her.
Shown some compassion, some humanity.

Hmm. Oh, I see.
I see.
You're in love with her.

Y- No, Jervis, it's
much worse than that.

- She's in love with you.
- Y-What?

Although you don't know it, you've been
a thoughtful and considerate guardian.

She spent the last two summers
on your farm in Nova Scotia.

Although she thinks
Linda's responsible for that.

- Linda?
- Your niece.

Gertrude's daughter. The one
you haven't seen since she was born.

- Oh, yes. Horrible looking baby.
- Well, she's no longer...

a horrible looking baby,
and she's Julie's roommate.

- Who put them together?
- You did.

It was the only way you could arrange for Miss
Andre's summer vacations without causing talk.

And last Christmas,
you sent her a nice present.

- I did? What?
- Three pairs of... silk pajamas.

- Griggs-
- All right. Miss Pritchard selected them.

All in all, Miss Andre
has a lot to thank you for...

and she's very
devoted to you.

She calls you her
"Dear Daddy Longlegs."

"Dear Daddy What-legs?"

Well, it has something to do with
your shadow crawling on the wall...

- or a spider, uh, uh-
- Oh.
