- Can't you, Jervis?
- Mmm. Not quite.
Some things are
in the lap of the gods.
You know, Jervis, yesterday
when I arrived from college...
and you looked so stern, and you thought
that I should not have come alone-
Well, I have
a confession to make.
I was really terribly afraid and unsure.
But it's been very wonderful.
You know, last time I came in that airport
was when I arrived from France.
Was that only three years ago?
Seems like forever.
Let's drink to France
for having sent you here.
To America
for letting me come.
Connect me
with 3203, please.
- Hello?
- I'd like to speak with Mr. Pendleton, please.
Oh. Just a minute.
Jervis, it's for you.
- Hello.
- Jervis, you are the most contemptible...
deceitful, dishonorable character
it has ever been my misfortune to know.
Who is this? Who?
Oh, uh- Oh. Well, yeah.
I think so, Alec.
Well, all right. I will.
Right away. Yeah.
Um, Julie, I'll be right back.
Uh, just a few minutes.