She is here
on a student's visa.
Her behavior is subject
to constant scrutiny.
She could be expelled,
her passport picked up-
Now, wait a minute. Now, wait a minute.
Alec, it is nothing like that.
Jervis, I was on the terrace.
Now, I'm no eavesdropper...
but I'd have to be deaf
not to overhear the conversation...
- you and the young lady were having at the breakfast table.
- Like what?
"Jervis, last night was
the most wonderful night of my life."
Even the most generous
interpretation of that is horrifying.
And serving her cocktails
at this hour.
- Cocktails? Are you nuts?
- I distinctly heard the glasses clink.
It was orange juice.
Nobody clinks orange juice glasses.
I haven't been out of the country that long.
- Alec, you've got it all wrong. I'm in love with the girl.
- Is she in love with you?
I don't know. I was just about to ask her
when the darn phone rang, and it was you.
I'm glad I was in time. What could
the poor girl have said but "yes"?
- She could have said "no."
- Don't be ridiculous.
You've obviously
swept her off her feet.
You're older than she is.
That's always very attractive.
- You're rich, and that's even more attractive.
- Mm-hmm.
You've changed her life completely,
for which she must be very grateful.
She doesn't know anything about that.
She doesn't know that I'm her Daddy-
Daddy what?
Daddy Sugar?
Oh, shut up.
She only knows me as Jervis Pendleton,
the uncle of her roommate.
The uncle of her roommate.
Doesn't that at least give you pause?
Not particularly. I'm not the only man
she's met in America.
Uh, she's also interested
in a Harvard graduate.
Can he afford to bring her to New York
and entertain her in this style?
- Well-
- Of course not. He's probably out looking for a job.
He is not. He's working in Bolivia
in the tin mine. Now, if you'll excuse me-
It wouldn't by any chance happen
to be the Pendleton tin mine, would it?
Well, uh, he- he-
he needed a job, uh-
And, well, what's the matter
with helping young people? Uh-
It's an interesting hobby.
You seem to have embraced it vigorously.
Well, he applied for a job in Africa.
The project blew up, and-
and I just happened to have
an opening in Bolivia.
King David.
What are you
talking about?