I'll- I'll bring that boy
back from Bolivia.
Alec, have you any idea how many hotels
there are in New York?
- Not the slightest.
- There are hundreds, thousands.
But, Jervis,
I always stop here.
3203, please.
Jervis, where are you?
What are you doing?
Uh, I'm downstairs
in the lobby.
Uh, listen. Something terribly important
has just come up...
and I'm afraid I won't be able to
get back there to see you.
No, no. No.
I'm- I'm all right.
It's just-just business.
You know, uh, State Department.
Um-Well, it's rather
hard to explain.
Uh, there are certain things about it
that I'm not at liberty to discuss.
- Can you understand that?
- Of course I understand. When shall I see you?
Well, uh-
They may-They may
want me to go abroad.
In which case, uh,
l- I won't see you for quite some time.