What do you plan
to say in that cable?
"Griggs critically ill.
Imperative you come home immediately.
Doctors have no hope."
Oh, that's fine.
Thank you.
If I'd offered you a drink 25 years ago,
you'd have slapped my face.
How do you know?
You never asked me.
Helen Adams.
Julie Andre.
Sue Anthony.
Mary Armstrong.
Patricia Benton.
Margaret Benson.
Come in.
Congratulations, my dear.
- Well, thank you.
- I had a lovely cry too.
This is the first graduation
I've been to since my own.
Well, I don't want to appear impolite,
but should I know you?
There's no reason why you should.
I'm Alicia Pritchard.
- And I've come to take you to seeJohn Smith.
- Oh. John-John Smith?