ABRA: He doesn't like anybody, does he?
ARON: Who, Dad?
ABRA: No, Cal.
It's dark in here and spooky.
Why is he so alone all the time?
ARON: He wants to be.
ABRA: Nobody wants to be alone
all the time.
ARON: Dad's made a wonderful buy,
hasn't he? We'll freeze vegetables.
It'll really give him something
to live for now.
What's the matter, Abra,
don't you like Cal?
ABRA: I don't know him very well.
ARON: I love him.
ABRA: Well, naturally, he's your brother.
He's scary.
- Scary?
- When he looks at you.
Sort of like an animal.
I don't know, he scares me.
Aron, when are we gonna get married?
Just as soon as I get through
with that darned school.
ABRA: I wish it was right now.
[Both laughing]
ARON: So do I.
ABRA: Do you?
[Aron laughing]
- When we get...
- I love you, Aron.
When we get married,
it's going to be perfect.
Everything about it is going to be perfect.
[Abra humming softly]
[Abra and Aron humming]
You're gonna make
a wonderful mother, Abra.
- I hope so.
- You are.
A perfect one.
You don't remember your mother at all,
do you, Aron?
No, she died
right after Cal and I were born.
Must be hard never to have had a mother.
- What's that?
- Look, what's he doing up there?