Your father will lose quite a lot of money
if it doesn't.
Just about all he's got.
I like your father.
Do you?
I threw away about $3,000 once.
CAL: Yeah?
ABRA: When I was 13.
CAL: You threw it away?
It was a diamond ring worth about that.
At least, my father told me
that's what he paid for it.
I threw it in the river.
Made Dad terribly angry.
[Abra laughing]
I reckon it would.
But I forgave him.
And it's been all right ever since.
CAL: You forgave him?
ABRA: Yes.
You forgave him 'cause you threw
a ring of his worth $3,000 into the river?
ABRA: That's right.
CAL: You forgave him?
ABRA: [Laughing] That's right.
CAL: Is there an egg in this basket?
You see, I thought he didn't love me.
That made me feel awful.
Girls love their fathers terribly.
CAL: Do they?
My mother died when I was 13...
and Dad got married again soon after that.
Did you know that?
CAL: No, I didn't know that.
Are you interested in hearing about me?
When Dad got married again,
it made me sick.
I just hated everybody.
I used to sit and just glare at people...
or I wouldn't even answer
when they spoke to me.
- Why you telling me all this?
- I want to.
I was that way for months.
I just hated everybody.
I thought nobody in the world loved me.
ABRA: And it was awful.
Then I found this ring
that Dad gave my new mother...
- so I took it and threw it in the river.
- Good.
[Abra laughing]
ABRA: I thought you'd like that.