Let's go, Pete. Now, Leonard!
[Band playing fanfare]
Good luck, Adam.
[Train whistle blowing]
[Band continues playing fanfare]
Do you know the principle
of the internal combustion engine?
No, I'm afraid not.
Will, I'll never be able to...
WlLL: Sure you will. You just listen to Roy.
WlLL: He's been to the automobile school
in Chicago.
Mr. Trask has just revolutionized
the entire vegetable market.
- Wait till those cars get to New York.
- Don't you worry.
It's about time he owned
his own automobile...
and about time he learned to drive it.
- Now don't you think so, Roy?
- I'll do my best.
ADAM: Now pay strict attention, boys.
[Horn honking]
ROY: Don't touch that!
ROY: Wait till it's explained to you.
ADAM: No, now for heaven's sake,
don't touch anything, anybody.
The power of the explosion
is exerted on a piston...
and through connecting rod
and crankshaft...
through transmission,
thence to rear wheels.
ROY: Got that so far?
WlLL: Sure, he's got that.
Now, we go on
to the operation of the automobile.
This here's the ignition key.
ROY: Would you mind putting out
that cigarette, please.
Turn this doohickey here to the left.
That puts her on battery.
- See where it says "bat"?
- Yes.
ADAM: Bat, short for battery.
ROY: That's right. Good boy.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
First you gotta retard the spark.
If you don't retard the spark,
she'll probably kick your blasted arm off.
Now remember that.
This here is the spark.
You push her way up. Listen.